This candidate for the Democratic State Committee want's to build a new WalMart for Mrs. G

My name is Cassandra Coleman and I'm running as a candidate to serve on the Pennsylvania State Democratic Committee. I have called Luzerne County home my entire life and have family roots here dating back over four generations. I am a graduate of Wyoming Area, and soon to be a graduate of King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, with a degree in Political Science. I was appointed in 2008 and then, re-elected in 2009, Mayor of Exeter, one of the biggest Democrat boroughs in Luzerne County. Very recently, our Democratic Party has been attacked by the likes of ultra conservatives, like Rush Limbaugh, Alan Steinberg, Trent Lott and Rupert Murdoch. We need Democratic State Committee Representatives who will denounce the falsehoods and rhetoric of the opposing party. As one of the youngest Mayors in our state, I pledge to be an advocate to restore the integrity of the Democratic Party. We need to unite our party by nominating candidates that stand up for what our Democratic Party represents; working Americans and personal freedoms. As a candidate for state committee, I pledge to scrutinize every candidate seeking the Democratic nomination to state offices. I ask for your voice and your vote on Tuesday, May 18th.
Thank you for your support,
Cassandra I. Coleman

My name is Cassandra Coleman and I'm running as a candidate to serve on the Pennsylvania State Democratic Committee. I have called Luzerne County home my entire life and have family roots here dating back over four generations. I am a graduate of Wyoming Area, and soon to be a graduate of King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, with a degree in Political Science. I was appointed in 2008 and then, re-elected in 2009, Mayor of Exeter, one of the biggest Democrat boroughs in Luzerne County. Very recently, our Democratic Party has been attacked by the likes of ultra conservatives, like Rush Limbaugh, Alan Steinberg, Trent Lott and Rupert Murdoch. We need Democratic State Committee Representatives who will denounce the falsehoods and rhetoric of the opposing party. As one of the youngest Mayors in our state, I pledge to be an advocate to restore the integrity of the Democratic Party. We need to unite our party by nominating candidates that stand up for what our Democratic Party represents; working Americans and personal freedoms. As a candidate for state committee, I pledge to scrutinize every candidate seeking the Democratic nomination to state offices. I ask for your voice and your vote on Tuesday, May 18th.
Thank you for your support,
Cassandra I. Coleman
Gort, I read this in the paper and want to comment on it but don't know how ... you need a vehicle for comments other than what's posted:
The following was taken from the "wire"transcripts and it looks to me like Mark C did not know about the cash pmts, only the finders fee from Mericle and Mericle approched him, he did go asking for it. How does a guy turn down a million in cash? Glad I wasn't made that offer! Be honest would you have taken a million in cash? Remember, "cash for kids? is a media term, they were never charged for that, they were charged for taking two large bribes for the building, not kids for cash. The county had a contract guaranteeing X dollars per month so sending kids was not necessary.
So the way I read this, Miricle went to Mark Ciavarella and offered him a finders fee to put he (Miricle) and a buyer (Powell) together and Ciavarella did not know about the cash bribe, only the "finder's" fee. If that's true, I don't see the Feds getting a win out of Ciavarella other than what ever tax problem Ciaveralla may have. And the worm turns!
Less government, lower taxes, liberty, pro-life, 2nd Amendment and border security. Who can say racist, bigot, homo phoeb, mean spirited first?
We need more women like Cassandra in politics. I happen to be from Exeter and am proud to call her my mayor. And she's not to hard on the eyes either.
These comments have been screened by my wife, who agrees with me.
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