When you go to the polls on Tuesday, you'll have an important choice to make for several different offices.
For Congress, the choice is clear: Paul Kanjorski.
Congressman Kanjorski has been a champion for the people of his district for years -- and he stood with me and President Obama when it mattered most, supporting our recovery plan to get the economy moving again and voting to pass historic health insurance reform.
The results of his efforts could not be clearer. Last month, the economy added more jobs than it has in four years, and 1.3 million uninsured Pennsylvanians will now have access to affordable care -- including more than 140,000 with pre-existing conditions.
He has consistently fought for us -- so we need to fight for him, and send him back to Congress.
To make sure you know where to vote, please confirm your polling location here.
Polls are open on Tuesday, May 18th, from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. It's crucially important that you make your voice heard by voting -- and that you cast your ballot for Paul Kanjorski, who has fought for your district time and time again.
Please double-check your polling location at the link below, and make sure you have a plan for how you'll get to the polls:
Thank you,
Vice President Joe Biden
1 day ago
Kanjo who was only of 11 dems to vote against the stimulus plan, Kanjo who only supported Obama because he knew it was his only chance of beating Barletta. This is a slap in the face Corey was a strong supporter of the President during the Primary and General. Kanjos support of Obama during the General was lukewarm at best.
I just lost all respect for Biden. No campaign contributions for you this time around!
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