"Trust me, this isn’t going to be a place to let people get drunk out of their mind." Greg Skrepenak Luzerne County commissioner
That makes me feel good. So his Dad has a place that will display all of his trophys called Big Ugly's on Wilkes-Barre Boulevard. From the TL:
The younger Skrepenak, a former NFL lineman and All-American football player at University of Michigan, said he told his father he won’t be able to work there during the day because he must focus on his commissioner duties. He does intend to be a regular at night, helping out and socializing.
It looks like he will not get into the race for the 20th senatorial district and hopefuly will give up being a county commissioner when his term expires. My advice is ride your fame and make your bucks. It looks like he may be taking that advice.
Kingston Mayor James Haggerty spent $90,000 to win a job that pays $8000 a year. He has $18,000 on hand but debts of over $29,000. I'm sure he can raise much more for this rac

He will fit right in. Harrisburg has many politicians that owe their loyalty to the money that sent them there and send them back. More of the same.
If I'm not mistaken Mike Martinez and Haggerty are friends from high school @ Valley West. And the couple from Boston is his sister and her husband. Not exactly Sordoni Construction money like that puppet Lisa Baker is already taking in. Of course, they want to make sure little Lisa can keep the money flowing for the over bid construction jobs.
I'll always say, "follow the money." Every man has his price.
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